Friday, November 12, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis

Our next project includes studying, analyzing, and describing a certain Commercial Advertisement or series of Ads. To rhetorically analyze something one must pick a particular Advertisement and then work to discover everything there is to know about this particular Ad. Not only do you have to understand what the Ad is saying but you also must be able to describe it to someone else in detail and be able to back up your theory. This skill is a necessity for projects like our next one and being aware of what is required puts you on track for a well thought out final project.

Monday, November 8, 2010


 The class Powerpoint presentations were all very well done. Each group had a different topic to present about. Every group had to designate certain parts of their project to each member of the group and they had to present about their topic. Watching each group present i feel like I gained knowledge that i would have gone without otherwise. We had to personally grade each groups project and I didn't give a single group less than a B.